With his help I've now learned that quite a lot of 2-XL Music was also taken from the Bruton Music Library, and I've managed to learn several new albums and composers. The 2-XL MUSIC section has been updated to include all this great new information!
At least two questions have also been changed. On the "Wizard Variant," instead of two Battlestar Galactica questions for #18 and #19 on the harder program, 2-XL asks a memory question referring back to the beginning of the program and a question about the Incredible Hulk.
As a result of all this, I've also nailed down the music that's included on this tape, which is now updated in the 2-XL MUSIC section. Full program info details (including scan of the tape and button relabel card) will probably be done next, after I finish investigating the "easier program" on that tape to see if there are any other differences.
October 22, 2004: An important disclaimer regarding some current eBay auctions...
For the most part I have a very "Grateful Dead" attitude about any files I create for this site-- I'm just happy people are still interested in 2-XL and are more than happy to have anyone use them for their own purposes, which includes auctions. However, I would caution against using the photos for auction purposes for the following reasons:
1)It can be misrepresentative and cause problems for you later. When someone is buying something over the internet, they are trusting that what they see in the picture is what they will actually get. 2-XL is such an old toy that any wear and tear on any two given 2-XL toys (or tapes) is going to be different. If you use one of my photos to sell it, then the buyer could be upset that what they receive is in a different condition. Also, if the toy in my photo is in worse condition than what you're selling it could cost you bids.
2) Anyone familiar with this site who recognizes the photos may think it's me selling off my personal collection (hence my above disclaimer).
For these reasons, I strongly request that my photos not be used for auctions (although I have no problem with my descriptions or sounds being used). If you simply have no other way to get a photo of your item, please put some sort of disclaimer in there along the lines of "I don't have a digital camera, so this is a photo I found on 2xlrobot.com of this item. Actual wear may vary."
Thank you all for your understanding, and best of luck with your auctions!
September 2, 2004: Kasey's back, with a new Demo Mode
The Kasey cartridges are also shipping to stores in a new four-tier display box, which has all eight Kasey cartridges, so all of them should now becoming easy to find at stores. The packaging for the "Languages: Spanish" cartridge has also been changed from red to orange.
Toby the Tot-bot is also showing up everywhere that Kasey is, at a retail of $19.99.
August 24, 2004: More "Miscellanous 2-XL Music" placed.
Still no new composer or real title info yet, but Robert Thoresby was kind enough to e-mail me with some of the history on the song "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" that Brian Bennett arranged with The Shadows, and that Frank and I suspect may have been the inspiration for the track we refer to as "Sunrise" on TV & MOVIE CHALLENGES, so I've inlcuded that info as well.
August 20, 2004: "Stars & Planets" Tiger program information added!
August 12, 2004: In case anyone is interested...
August 6, 2004: Back from Otakon
July 26, 2004: "The Basics of ABC's" Mego program information added!
July 21, 2004: "Storyland: 2-XL & the Time Machine" Mego program information added!
July 13, 2004: Tiger Cross-Promotional Flier added!
July 7, 2004: NEW KASEY TOYS! Kasey's family just got a whole lot bigger!
That's right, two new robots, targeted for even younger children (well, it IS Fisher-Price), as well as some cool new accessories!
July 3, 2004: LOST TIGER PROGRAM DISCOVERED! "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" Adventure Series program!
July 3, 2004: I'M BACK, BABY!!
February 1, 2004: Some "Miscellanous 2-XL Music" placed.
December 4, 2003: Another vintage Mego 2-XL advertisement added!
UPDATE: Well, he sold for a total of $8.59, which isn't bad for a 2-XL with no plug and no tapes. That one 2-XL auction got more hits in one week than this site has gotten in one year! Hmm, maybe if I dress the "guide 2-XL" in a bikini...
September 27, 2003: General Information and General Information (Revised) program information added!
September 25, 2003: Fisher-Price offers rebate online for Kasey the Kinderbot!
September 23, 2003: Three more pieces of 2-XL MUSIC identified!
Also on that album is another piece of 2-XL music-- this one is the background music from a question on General Information (Revised) about an animal being tried as a witch. The actual title of that piece of music is "Digital Display," also written by George Fenton. I hope to have a clip (taken from the 2-XL tape) posted soon!
September 19, 2003: "Storm" sound file added!
September 12, 2003: New 2-XL Fan Art added!
August 15, 2003: McDonalds gives $5.00 off Kasey the Kinderbot!
August 4, 2003: "Monsters, Myths & Legends" program info added!
In 1996, White Zombie guitarist J. Yuenger released a track called "Blues for 2-XL" on the CD Guitars That Rule the World Vol. 2: Smell the Fuzz - The Superstar Guitar Album. And yes, it actually includes clips of 2-XL himself in it! Here's a 15 second wav file sample clip. You can read J. Yuenger's comments on this song and how he thought 2-XL was perfect for it at the ZombieLand II website.
[PLEASE NOTE however that when you try to go directly to this page, the site attempts to automatically redirect you to its main page. You should get a message saying "You are viewing this page from outside the website, going to the entrance http://rzr.online.fr/zombie.htm" If you get this message, click "CANCEL" and it should take you directly to the "BLUES FOR 2-XL" page. If it doesn't and you do have to go through the main page, then click on Enter, then scroll down to the Table of Contents, and under Members click on "J." From there it will list the "J. DISOCGRAPHY," and you can click directly on "SMELL THE FUZZ: BLUES FOR 2-XL."]
The CD is apparently out of print, but ZombieLand II was gracious enough to provide a link to it on Amazon.com where you can still get it used. I got my copy there for just $4.98, and that was after shipping, which is a very reasonable price if you're only interested in it for just the 2-XL song. And if you're into guitar rock in general, the CD also has tracks from Billy Corgan, Ace Frehly, John Christ (formerly of Danzig) and Robert Fripp of King Crimson. Kudos to the folks at Zombieland II for compiling so much information on this one song, so that 2-XL fans could enjoy it too!
Once I put together the 2-XL MUSIC page, this info will also be archived there.
March 21, 2003: Two more 2-XL sound files added! I've added the Tiger 2-XL start-up sound, and a "Welcome Back" message. To view the complete list of 2-XL sounds, either push B then B then B, or click here.
March 3, 2003: "Letter Perfect" Tiger 2-XL program info added! By request, including the a printable replacement version of the little booklet to go with this program, plus the usual music samples. To view it, either push A then B then A then scroll down to the "Letter Perfect" title link, or click here.
February 20, 2003: Two new Kasey the Kinderbot programs are out! It's still taking a while for them to show up in stores, but the "MATH: NUMBERS & COUNTING" and "READING: FOCUS ON PHONICS" programs have started showing up on eBay! So keep an eye on your local toy store, as they should start hitting the shelves in wider numbers soon. (Or if you really can't wait, head on over to eBay!)
February 20, 2003: Website Update. Well, another two weeks has gone by without my adding anything new here in the news. Part of that is due to the usual things that have been keeping me busy (both my daughter and I catching a nasty stomach flu, going to Katsucon with my business Joy's Japanimation and then getting stuck there by the big blizzard that hit the east coast last weekend, etc.), but part of it is because a lot of the work I have been doing is very "behind-the-scenes" stuff. I've been working on improving the sound of the .wav files for the 2-XL music, trying to get the little booklet scans to print better, and of course I'm still tracking all the 2-XL auctions on eBay and trying to work out my "Auction Watch & Price Guide" so I can re-post it. So rest assured, I am still very active with this website and there will still be lots more new things to come! I'll try not to let it be so long between updates this time. :)
February 4, 2003: You can now leave messages to Dr. Freeman & share your own thoughts on 2-XL and/or Kasey! I've been asked a few times if I can get people in touch with Dr. Freeman. Alas, I can't, as I've never been able to find a way to reach him myself. However I was recently told by reliable sources that Dr. Freeman and many of his staff that helped create and program 2-XL have actually seen this site, and come back to check it regularly! So I've modified this website's guestbook program to be a page for leaving messages for Dr. Freeman to read! To get there, click on B then the LETTERS TO THE INVENTOR icon, or click here.
February 2, 2003: "Amazing World of the Small" Mego 2-XL Program info & sound files added. Includes image of the tape itself, its button relabel card, and sound clips from the 7 music tracks on this program. In addition I've added a lot of sound clips from it to the 2-XL Sound Files section. To view the tape info, click on A then A then A, then the "Amazing World of the Small" title, or click here.
February 1, 2003: A wish for peace to the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia and their families. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.
January 24, 2003: Mego 2-XL "lost" program discovered -- "Storyland," with program info now added! When I first spotted this, I wasn't sure if was really a program I'd never heard of before, or if it was just a variant on "Storyland: 2-XL & the Time Machine." Well, I can now confirm that it IS a different 2-XL tape! It was released in 1978 but I've never seen it on any list, official or otherwise. To view it, either push A then A then A then scroll down to the "Storyland" title link, or click here.
January 20, 2003: 2-XL Auction Watch & Price Guide added! By popular request, I've now added a section to track the current sales on 2-XL robots & tapes on eBay, and am compiling all the finished information into a price chart. UPDATE: I've had to temporarily take the price guide off-line. I'm not sure I was doing my math right and I may have inadvertantly been causing more harm than good, for which I apologize. I'm going to research it more and hope to bring the price guide back soon. Sorry!
January 17, 2003: UK Tomy 2-XL added. Yes, that's right, a TOMY 2-XL! In the UK the Tiger 2-XL was released by Tomy. Here's an image of the 2-XL itself; additional program info will also be added in the future. To view it, click on B then the 2-XL AROUND THE WORLD icon, then C, or click here.
January 14, 2003: "Amazing Sports Feats" Mego 2-XL Program info added. Includes image of the tape itself, its button relabel card, and sound clips from the 4 music tracks on this program. To view it, click on A then A then A, then the "Amazing Sports Feats" title, or click here.
January 13, 2003: 2-XL's inventor Dr. Michael J. Freeman in Kiplinger's Magazine, still on sale!
December 28, 2002: Music sound clip for "Adult Games & Puzzles" added! Okay, so I haven't gotten those revised printable booklets done yet... but I did get the sound file for the music done. To hear it, push A, then A, then A, then click on "Adult Games and Puzzles," or click here.
December 28, 2002: French Canadian Mego 2-XL sound clips added! Finally, here are the sound clips from the French Candian version of the "General Information" program! I've added two .wav files, one of a question and one of a joke. To hear them, push B then the 2-XL AROUND THE WORLD icon then A, or click here.
ON ANOTHER NOTE: Sorry it's been so slow this month... I realize that December has been pretty slow going as far as new material here at the World of 2-XL. Between the holidays, my job and a different project I've been working on, I haven't had much time this month to get everything up here that I wanted to, and I'm sorry about that! But both the holidays and my other project seem to be almost over, so I should be able to start adding more soon. I've been accumulating quite a backlog of extra stuff to share with you all, and am also working on ways to make this site more interactive, so January should be a busy month here! Please keep checking back! Thank you!!!!!
December 19, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" on Comedy Central! Nirvana once said that the moment they realized they had truly made it was when they had been parodied by Weird Al Yankovic. In which case, Kasey is truly a success: In a segment on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart tonight, the show which makes fun of current events in a news format, Jon Stewart poked fun at the two hottest toys of the Christmas season, one of which was Kasey! The episode should be rerun on Comedy Central on Friday December 20th at 10:00 AM and 5:30 PM. Those of you on the west coast should still be able to catch it later tonight at 1:00 AM. Audio and / or video clips for this one will be coming in the future!
December 14, 2002: Hapy Holidays!
December 13, 2002: New 2-XL Fan Art added: The Cult of Marty has arrived to the World of 2-XL! This image is a great submission from the fellow Mego-inspired website wearesmall.com! If you don't normally go for fan art, then this is the one time you should make an exception and check it out, it is just THAT good. To go to the image, push B then the 2-XL FAN ART icon then B, or click here.
December 6, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot on CNN... again! Yesterday (Dec. 5) CNN Headline News had on gift expert Robyn Spizman talking about toys for the holiday season, including Kasey the Kinderbot! Her segment featured 7 toys, but host Judy Fortin had so many questions about Kasey that they didn't get to the last two toys! Kasey's contenders were Chicken Dance Elmo, Cabbage Patch Kids, Bratz Dolls, My Scene Barbie, Dora the Explorer, iQuiz and a Little Tykes flashlight shaped like a lion. This isn't the first time that CNN has done a spot on Kasey, and considering the other classic toys featured, it's a good sign that Kasey is becoming a big hit! Sorry, no audio or video files for this one; somehow I don't think CNN would be too understanding. ;)
December 3, 2002: 2-XL Music Video now added! Just like the commercials, the music video has been posted in both MPEG and REAL PLAYER formats. At over 9 megs the MPEG version takes forever to download, but the pulsing-light effect used in the video works much better with the MPEG file than the Real Player version (I guess the lower file size means a lower frame rate which throws it off), so I recommend the MPEG version. To go to the video, push B then the 2-XL FAN ART icon then C, or click here.
November 25, 2002: Mego 2-XL commercial video file added! All hail the great MondoMage for his help converting my 2-XL commercials to video files!! THANK YOU, MONDO!!!!!!! I've posted the first one now. Mondo was gracious enough to make these as both Quick Time and Windows Media files. I'd love to put them all up now, but the only problem is that they come up to about 109 megs, which would double the size of the site! I've been experimenting with compressing them in to zip files for downloading, but that only seems to bring it down to about 100 megs... still doubling the size of the site. So in the meantime I'm working on the best way to put them up for you to see. I've put up a Mego 2-XL commercial, but currently just as a Quick Time file, which still comes up to about 7.56 megs. So be warned, this may take a while! To go to the commercial, push B then the 2-XL ON TV icon then A, or click here.
November 21, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot now with free Spanish program! ...And while I was there I found something very interesting: half of the Kaseys there now had a "Free Software Included!" sticker, and were packaged with the "Languages: Spanish" program! This may not be permanent, so if you haven't gotten a Kasey yet, now's your chance to get one with a bonus extra program!
November 19, 2002: Mego "Adult Games & Puzzles" program information added! Including the first printable replacement little booklet images! Push A three times then click on the highlighted program name, or click here. UPDATE: I'm not too thrilled with the way the Little Booklet is printing, so I'm working on improving the clarity of the images, and playing around with different sizing options. Stay tuned.
November 15, 2002: French Canadian Mego 2-XL Type 1 & "Renseignements Generaux" program added! I've finally gotten a French Canadian Mego 2-XL tape, and here are the pics! I've also changed the guide robot for the 2-XL AROUND THE WORLD section to the Canadian Mego Type 1. Push B then the 2-XL AROUND THE WORLD icon then A, or click here.
November 4, 2002: Mego "50's & 60's Nostalgia" program information added! And so begins the loooong road of adding images, booklets, cards, music and other notes for over 90 different 2-XL and Kasey programs! Push A three times then click on the highlighted program name, or click here.
November 3, 2002: Kasey Commercial now being sighted on more networks - commercial audio added to 2-XL ON TV section! I've been getting lots of reports (both from my friends in the "real world" and from e-mails) of the Kasey the Kinderbot commercial showing up all over the place, including in prime time on the major networks! Thanks to everyone who's let me know, especially to my buddy Dave who caught it on tape for me! I still can't do video files yet, so I've added the audio for the commercial to the 2-XL ON TV section. Push B then the 2-XL ON TV icon then A, or click here.
November 3, 2002: Tiger 2-XL commercial audio & Pick Your Brain audio added to 2-XL ON TV section! I'm on a roll. I couldn't add the Mego commercial audios or the remaining Tiger commercial audio yet because Mondo's still got my copies so he can make the video files for me. For the commercial audio clips, Push B then the 2-XL ON TV icon then A, or click here. For the Pick Your Brain audio clips, Push B then the 2-XL ON TV icon then B, or click here.
November 3, 2002: More 2-XL promos added to the 2-XL IN PRINT section! Just added are the original 1978 Mego Tape flier, a 1994 Good Housekeeping advertisement on the Tiger 2-XL Scholastic Series tapes! Along similar lines, The Tiger 2-XL won an award from Walt Disney for Best Educational Toy in 1992, so I've added an image of that to the Tiger 2-XL page. To view the award, Push A then B, or click here. TO view the newly-added promos, push B then C, or click here.
November 1, 2002: 2-XL FAN ART section added! A collection of odd sketches, doodles and photos that my buddy Frank and I have made. Push B then the 2-XL FAN ART icon, or click here.
October 27, 2002: Link to the MEGO MUSEUM added! The MEGO MUSEUM is a truly AMAZING site. It mostly features Mego's action figures, but has lots of stuff on every other Mego toy ever made... including 2-XL, of course! To view the 2-XL pages, go to the MEGO MUSEUM and then click on MEGO LIBRARY, then select any of the catalogs for 1978, 1978/79 or 1979, then click on either GAMES or ELECTRONIC GAMES. To see the 2-XL IN CYBERSPACE links section, either Press B then B, then A, or click here.
October 24, 2002: Added a Tiger 2-XL magazine ad to the 2-XL IN PRINT section. Okay, I know I said I thought I was done with the 2-XL IN PRINT section, but I found some more goodies as I was digging out my old 2-XL fan art. To see the ad, either Press B then C, then B, or click here.
October 24, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot TV commercials now airing! I can confirm that commercials for Kasey the Kinderbot are airing on Nick Jr! (aka, Nickelodeon's morning kids programing block. Probably not much chance of seeing Kasey on Nick-at-Nite.) They're most likely also airing on other kid-oriented networks but I haven't learned or confirmed it yet. I'm hoping to add a write-up on this commercial to the 2-XL ON TV section, but as it is now I only caught the second half of this commercial as I was chasing my daughter around the house trying to get her dressed! More info as I learn it. ;)
October 21, 2002: The voice behind Kasey the Kinderbot added! A little on-line searching has revealed that Kasey's voice is done by Kamala Kruszka, who also has done the voice of Toots the Train for Fisher-Price, and works with the Great Arizona Puppet Theater. This info has now been added to the KASEY THE KINDEBOT section. To get there, push either A or C, then C, or click here.
October 20, 2002: MEGO 2-XL AC power plug scans now added! Finally, another thing I've been wanting to do ever since I started this site! If you need a replacement plug for your 2-XL, this should help you know what you're looking for. The images are in the FAQ section. Also finally added the Tid Bits & Funy Facts icon to the More Information Button page. To view all of these, push B (then A for the FAQ), or click here.
October 20, 2002: 2-XL AROUND THE WORLD section is now up! This section includes images of different international 2-XLs and programs, and some sound clips of 2-XL in different languages. To view it, either push B then the 2-XL AROUND THE WORLD icon, or click here.
October 17, 2002: Now with more trivia! I've finally worked some addtional information that I had laying around into the site. Specifically, some more info on how 2-XL got started has been added to the MEGO 2-XL section, and created a Tid-Bits and Funny Facts Section for everything else that doesn't fit anywhere else. In addition I've also re-organized the More Information Button Page into seperate pages so it's less crowded, and started a News Archive section so this front page won't run as long.
October 16, 2002: Third Kasey the Kinderbot program released! I can now confirm that the third Kasey the Kinderbot program, "Science: Living Things," has hit the shelves. (The first two programs released were "Languages: French" and "Languages: Spanish.") The package for "Living Things" also lists another upcoming program, "Reading: Words & Sentences," which has now been added to the Kasey the Kinderbot Programs section. And speaking of Kasey in toy stores, most Toys 'R' Us stores have also added a large Kasey the Kinderbot endcap display, complete with a demo Kasey! This has also been done with all the previous 2-XLs, and it was just such a display back in 1979 that got me begging my mom for a 2-XL for Christmas...
October 14, 2002: Added the two-page fold out "1981 Mego Tape Mail-Away" flier to the 2-XL IN PRINT section. This now completes everything I currently have for the 2-XL IN PRINT section, but I'm always keeping my eyes out for more. To see the flier, either Press B then C, then C, or click here.
October 7, 2002: Added the four-page "Introducing 2-XL" flier to the 2-XL IN PRINT section. This flier was for promoting 2-XL to schools, and offered some programs I've never seen anywhere else, so they've also now been listed as unconfirmed programs in the Mego 8-Track Programs section. To see the flier, either Press B then C, then C, or click here.
October 6, 2002: 2-XL on TV section started! This section is for all the TV appearances I can find on 2-XL, including Pick Your Brain. No video files yet, but they're on the way. It's also part of the More Information page, so either Press B then the "2-XL on TV" icon (I ran out of buttons), or click here.
October 4, 2002: 2-XL in Print section started! This section is for all the print ads, promos & magazine articles and/or covers I've found for 2-XL over the years. It's part of the More Information page, so either Press B then C, or click here.
October 2, 2002: Tiger 2-XL & Mego 2-XL Comparison pics added! This also means that there are now no longer any pages on this site that are "under construction." Since I couldn't bring myself to lose the image of the 2-XL Construction Crew, I've added it into the "2-XL in Cyberspace" section on the More Information Page. To view the Tiger 2-XL & Mego 2-XL comparison images, press A, then B, then C, or click here. To view the 2-XL Construction Crew, click B then B then C, or click here.
October 1, 2002: "Other Robots by Dr. Freeman" section is now complete! In addition to learning about Rudy and Leachim, you can now also access Kasey the Kinderbot from this section without running into an "Under Construction" sign. It also includes a very brief biography on Dr. Freeman. Press C or Click here.
October 1, 2002: The Washington Times gives Kasey a positive review! This article was actually published on August 12, 2002, but I just discovered it today. To go the Washington Times website and read the article, written by Joseph Szadkowski, click here. UPDATE: This link appears to no longer go to this article.
September 29, 2002: The Kasey the Kinderbot section has been added! As with the other sections, it will have more images added to it over the next few days. The link in the C Button on this screen isn't ready yet, because I haven't made the "Other Robots of Dr. Freeman" index yet, so it's best to use the C Button link in the 2-XL Robots index or the site map. Or just click here.January, 2005
Lots of great new 2-XL Music discoveries, thanks to the wonderful eBay auctions of Andrew Hepburn!! Not only was he incredibly helpful by including sound samples on all his auctions, but after I contacted him directly he was very helpful in helping me identify even more music! He's a fantastic person to deal with, both personally and professionally, and I can't recommend his auctions highly enough.
December, 2004
Thanks to some nice e-mails I've recently received (and with many thanks to a possible upcoming project I hope to be able to discuss more later) I've learned that there is a variant for Science Fiction II! One version starts off with the traditional "Thank you for turning me on." The other version starts out with 2-XL sleeping and being awoken by the "Science Fiction Wizard" (played by a slowed-down voice of Dr. Freeman), who lets him know that it's time to start the program. The Wizard then does a countdown into the "Frank's Spaceship Fanfare" music, which then leads into the standard "Thank you for turning me on" introduction.November, 2004
I'm all caught up with the requests, so for now I'm just doing program write-ups in whatever order strikes me at the time. Brandon has generously sent me a bunch of scans of cards and booklets, including the button relabel card that goes with this program, so let me say "THANKS, BRANDON!" To view it, push A then A then A then scroll down to the program title, or click here.
October, 2004
By request, here's the write up to another Tiger 2-XL program, including printable replacement booklet! To view it, push A then B then A then scroll down to the program title, or click here.
There's been a number of auctions popping up on eBay recently that use descriptions, sounds and images taken from this site. The auctions in question do also give this site a plug, for which I say thank you. (And to those of you seeing this site for the first time because of it, welcome!) However, I just wanted to go on the record as saying I am NOT selling these items, and have no connections to the people selling them.September, 2004
The piece of music previously referred to on this site as "S.O.F.: Save Our Frank" is actually called Boogie Strut! It was composed by D. Runswick and comes from the KPM Music Library album KPM-1230 DISCO FEVER. The album has 7 different mixes and edits of this song, including one that runs twice as long as what was used on the 2-XL tape "Word & Sound Games"! The 2-XL MUSIC section has been updated to include this new information!
It's September, which means the toy stores are gearing up for the Christmas season. Kasey the Kinderbot has been repackaged in an open cardboard box, with a new interactive demo mode that lets you try four of his games. Kasey's also at a retail price of $39.99 no matter where I find it.August, 2004
By request, here is the write up to another classic Mego program, including a printable replacement button relabel card. To view it, push A then A then A then scroll down to the program title, or click here.
I've been able to confirm which tapes some more of the 2-XL music was on, and the 2-XL Music page has again been updated to reflect it. It turns out most of the pieces I couldn't place came from MATH AND NUMBER GAMES. Also, the WORD & SOUND GAMES music listings have been corrected; I had mixed up which songs went on which tape in the set. That's all fixed now.By request, here's the write up to one of the Tiger 2-XL programs, including printable replacement game pieces and game board! To view it, push A then B then A then scroll down to the program title, or click here.
...I've posted the images of the 2-XL T-shirts Frank and I wore. Thanks for the pics, Roxanne!! To view them, push B then the FAN ART icon B, or click here.
Actually, I've been back for a few days but I've been working since I got back. Frank and I wore our 2-XL shirts on Saturday and Frank actually got a positive response from someone! He said he was going to go home and dig out his 2-XL after the con. :) I'll post a picture of Frank & I with our 2-XL shirts once I get a copy of it from another friend of ours.July, 2004
I'll be there (along with Frank, my childhood chum, fellow 2-XL fanatic and contributor to this site) helping out at the Joy's Japanimation booth in the dealer's room. I'll be there Friday evening, all of Saturday and possibly early Sunday, so if you're attending the con, by all means stop on over and say hi. I've made up some 2-XL T-shirts for Frank and me to wear so we should be easy to spot, but just in case I'm not wearing it, I'm the little guy in glasses with the blonde ponytail. Hope to see you there!Also by request, here is the write up to another Mego program! Includes printable pages to make your own replacement booklet. To view it, push A then A then A then scroll down to the program title, or click here.
By request, here is the write up for one of my favorite Mego programs! Includes printable pages to make your own replacement booklet. To view it, push A then A then A then scroll down to the program title, or click here.
A great big 2-XL "THANK YOOOOOUUUUU!!!!" to Ruth for generously donating this flier! This two-sided ad was released in 1992 with Tiger's other toys. To view it, either push B then C then B, or you can just click here.
Since Fisher-Price finished releasing all of Kasey's original planned 8 cartridges last December, I was wonering what would be on the horizon for Kasey's future. Well, I never expected this! Instead of more cartridges, 2004 will see... MORE ROBOTS!
According to the latest Fisher-Price catalog, we can expect to see the following Kasey the Kinderbot items...
Toby the Totbot, aimed at kids 1 and up. A younger version of Kasey that covers letters, numbers, shapes and music. It doesn't look like you can add new programs to Toby, but it it's only expected to cost about $20.00! I've spotted Toby in stores already!
Fetch the Phonicsbot, aimed at kids 2 and up. Kasey's got a robodog! Fetch focuses exclusively on letters (including spelling, words, etc.) and is expected to cost about $25.00.
Kasey the Kinderbot Backpack, which will hold 4 Kasey cartridges. No info on the price yet.
MINIATURE KASEY in Loving Family Backyard Set! Okay, I confess this is the one that strikes me as the coolest. Possibly because I ALWAYS wanted a miniature 2-XL to go with my Star Wars figures, and now we have one with Kasey! (You know, I'd STILL love a 2-XL Action Figure line. Just imagine, you could have Captain Bly with his treasure chest, Count Dracula with a sound chip that plays his song, Caveman Da with stone caveman riddles, Witch Twinko, a Time Machine playset, an Astronomy/2-XL in Space Playset that has a rocket to fit 2-XL in and a Mission Control with DEREK the Computer... But I digress.) The playset is expected to cost around $10.00.
All of these items have been archived in the KASEY THE KINDERBOT section, with the original page from the Fisher-Price catalog archived in the 2-XL IN PRINT section. As of now I don't own any of these items, but expect more images and in-depth write-ups as I get my grubby little hands on them.
Just when I thought I'd seen it all... After seeing the same Tiger programs over and over again since the line ended in 1994, I finally found a new one, dated 1995! It's an Adventure Series tape titled MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: ATTACK OF THE 100 FOOT TEENAGERS, and it was only released as a limited introductory tape with 2-XL in 1995 (and I suspect, only in the UK)! To view info on it, push A then B then A then scroll down to the title links, or click here.
Sorry it's been so quiet here the last four months. Long story short, I got a new job that took up all my time. That job is now gone and I now have a new job that will leave me with more time again, so expect to see more updates again. To everyone who has e-mailed me: Thank you for your e-mails and constant support and interest in this site. I have not forgotten a single one of you, and am trying to respond to everyone! :)
March-June, 2004
February, 2004
Okay, technically speaking it's just photos and not too detailed program info right now. I hope to add a "program tree" listing all the different games Kasey plays on these cartridges at a later date. To view all of them, push A then C then A then scroll down to the title links. To go direct to either program, click on here for ADDITION & MORE and here for FOCUS ON PHONICS.
I've been able to confirm which tapes some of the 2-XL music was on, and the 2-XL Music page has been updated to reflect it. (Specifically, the music listings for TV & MOVIE CHALLANGES and TALKING CALCULATOR.) Still no new composer or real title info, alas.January, 2004
December, 2003
I had visual confirmation today of two more Kasey cartridges: The MATH: ADDITION & MORE cartridge and the READING: WORDS & SENTENCES cartridge were both available at my local Toys R Us. (I would have bought them for my daughter (and so I could post the pictures here) but I'm too broke right now. Help support 2xlrobot.com and help me feed and educate my child-- buy my t-shirts on eBay! Okay, sorry about the Precious Roy moment there, back to the real news.) The release of these two programs means that all 8 of the "first wave" Kasey the Kinderbot cartridges announced in 2002 have now been released. So far there's been no news of a "second wave" of cartridges in the future, but I'll be keeping my ear to the ground to see what I can find out!This ad from Playthings Magazine takes the top spot as the oldest ad I've ever found for 2-XL. It comes from the August 1978 issue, after 2-XL had been test marketed in New York and was about to go national. You can click on the image to view it in its full size. It's now archived in the 2-XL IN PRINT section, which you can get to by pressing B, then C, then A, or you can just click here.
November, 2003
Wow, I wish I had been keeping up with the ebay auctions to point this one out when it started a week ago! I've seen a lot of 2-XL auctions in my day but never one like this: Someone has a woman in a bikini modeling all the items they're auctioning. So here's something I never thought I'd say:October, 2003
Here are 12 new soundfiles taken from Monsters, Myths & Legends so you can give your computer that Halloween touch with a 2-XL twist! The files are being archived together in the 2-XL IN CYBERSPACE section, and are all marked with a "Halloween colored" sound icon.
September, 2003
Today marks the one year anniversary of the relaunch of the "World of 2-XL" website as 2xlrobot.com! And okay, I may not have posted new stuff quite as fast I would have liked to, but I'm happy to say that I've at least never stopped adding new stuff, and I still have a lot more on the drawing board. THANK YOU to all of you for coming to this site, for all of your contributions, posts and e-mails, and for helping to make 2xlrobot.com a success!By request, the next program to be added is General Information! And I'm happy to say that Brandon stepped up to the plate and contributed a pdf file of the entire General Information booklet-- thanks, Brandon! While I was at it, I also added the General Information (Revised) program info, along with that third new KPM music clip mentioned below! To view all of them, push A then A then A then scroll down to the "General Information" title links. To go direct to either program, click on their names in this paragraph.
With the holidays right around the corner, Fisher-Price price appears to be gearing things up for Kasey again. For starters, they are now offering a $10 rebate off of Kasey at the official Fisher-Price Kasey the Kinderbot site! Their site also says that the "MATH: ADDITION AND MORE" cartridge is now available, with the "READING: WORDS & SENTENCES" cartridge due out in the next few months.I'm happy to announce that the 2-XL Music previously referred to on this site as "Where To Next?" and "We Made This Up (and You're Going to Regret It)" are actually titled VIEWDATA and Tomorrow's Technology, respectively. And as I suspected, they were both composed by the same person! I've also just learned that composer is GEORGE FENTON, and he composed those tracks for the KPM Music Library album Small is Beautiful. All references to these songs on this site have now been updated!
Hurricane Isabel is just starting to be felt in my area. Luckily I'm in western Pennsylvania, so we're not going to be hit as bad as other areas have been. My sympathies to everyone else stuck in this mess. I was going to save this sound file for Halloween, but under the circumstances, I thought I'd post it now. To download it, right-click on the sound icon and select the "Save Target As" option. It's also been archived in the 2-XL IN CYBERSPACE desktop sounds area, which can be reached by pushing the B button three times, or you can just click here. And be careful out there, everyone!
Frank Richardson sent me some new 2-XL artwork, so here it is! Two new drawings have been added, a 2-XL Character Sheet, and a comic strip. To view them, either push B then the 2-XL FAN-ART icon then A then scroll down, or just click here.August, 2003
No actual new information added today, but it has finally been cleaned up so it's much easier to use. To view it, either push B then the 2-XL MUSIC icon, or click here.For years now, Fisher-Price has provided the "Under 3" toys for McDonald's Happy Meals. So now McDonald's is currently giving out coupon books for Fisher-Price toys, including $5.00 off of Kasey! The coupon is found on the next to last page of the book. The books should simply be out on display on the counter. Did somebody say McKasey's?
By request, the next Mego 2-XL program to have details added is the classic "Monsters, Myths & Legends." Includes a printable replacement booklet and a .wav clip of Dracula's song! To view it, either push A then A then A then scroll down to the "Monsters, Myths & Legends" title link, or click here.July, 2003
After years of searching, Frank and I have finally made some breakthroughs in finding out who made 2-XL's music! The music on the 2-XL tapes was from the Emil Ascher Music Library, which was a US company that distributed a lot of British library music, including lots of music from the KPM music library. I've only found titles and composers for a handful of songs, but I've posted what I know, and sound clips of everything I don't know in case someone out there can help me identify the rest! This is mostly why there haven't been any new updates to the site in the last two months-- I've been spending a LOT of time on this, and even now the page is still pretty rough around the edges, but I didn't want to wait any longer to post what I've got! To view it, either push B then the new 2-XL MUSIC icon, or click here.May, 2003
Finally, Numbers & Counting has shown up in my area, so I was able to snag a copy and add some images! More details on the program itself should be coming soon! This also means that it should be getting wider distribution, and you should have an easier time finding it soon, if you haven't already. To view it, either push A then C then Blue (A) then scroll down to the "Math: Numbers & Counting" title link, or click here.
April, 2003
No, this isn't a late April Fool's Day post. This is actually old news, but I just discovered it myself so I'm going to treat it as new. =)
March, 2003
February, 2003
January, 2003
While I was searching for more Kasey the Kinderbot information, I stumbled across this: Dr. Freeman is interviewed in the February 2003 issue of Kiplinger's Magazine! The issue is on sale now and according to the cover you should still be able to find it until February 12th. It turns out the inventor of 2-XL also invented those phone menu systems, and according to the article he's not too happy with the way they're being used either. Not only is the article a very fascinating read, but it also has two pictures of Dr. Freeman!
January 1, 2003: Happy New Year!
2003 marks 2-XL's 25th Anniversary!December, 2002
Keith at www.spoofpark.com has created a set of incredible computer generated images of 2-XL that you can use as desktop designs! These were so good I put them in two places: you can view the full-size bitmap versions and download them to use on your desktop in the 2-XL IN CYBERSPACE section, or you can view smaller jpg versions in the 2-XL FAN ART section. Thanks, Keith! (And thanks also to Keith for letting me know I had my e-mail link at the bottom of the site wrong. Sorry if that caused anyone trouble!)
A belated Happy Hannukah, and an early Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year to everyone from the World of 2-XL! The festive 2-XL modelling the santa hat is my own original 2-XL that I got for Christmas in 1979. My wife and I bought him the hat around 1994.
November, 2002
November 21, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot program "Science: Wonderful World" confirmed released -- information added! Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me to let me know this program was now out! I also found it at my local Toys 'R' Us, and have added a Program Info Page on it. Push A then C then A, then click on the highlighted program name, or click here.
October, 2002
October 21, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot on the cover of Parents magazine, still on sale! The latest issue of PARENTS (November 2002) gives Kasey a spot on the cover in the upper left hand corner! Like the Good Housekeeping issue reported on October 15, this is a list on the best toys for the holiday season. Kasey is pictured on page 200, once again with a brief description.
October 15, 2002: Kasey the Kinderbot in Good Housekeeping, now on sale. The current issue of GOOD HOUSEKEEPING (Vol. 235 No. 5, November 2002) includes Kasey the Kinderbot in an article on toys for the holiday season. Kasey's pictured on page 92 with a brief description, with the picture used again on page 226 with a recommendation on page 228 to go to toysrus.com if you're interested in more information on him.
September, 2002