2-XL in Cyberspace
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2-XL Desktop #5a by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #6b by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #7a by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #8a by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #8b by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #9a by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #10a by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #10b by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Desktop #10c by Keith at www.spoofpark.com.
2-XL Sound Files
"Thank You For Turning Me On" 208k
Makes a great start-up sound. On my computer, my task bar pops up right in time with the 8-Track "click" making for a cool effect.
"Well, Hello! I, as you know, am 2-XL, and I am glad to speak to you again." 246k
[Tiger start-up sounds] "Thank You For Turning Me On" 240k
Another cool start-up sound. Although the Tiger 2-XL used different variations on its opening sound, this is the one I remember hearing the most.
"Answer your robot, now." 33k
"Bleecchhhhh!" 22k
"Don't you ever try this, it could be dangerous!" 49k
"El Wrongo." 27k
"Here's some interesting information." 38k
"Here's some more catchy muuusic." 51k
"I, 2-XL, am very impressed." 54k
"I can see smoke coming out of your ears!" 66k
"I congratulate your brain." 38k
"I have a little bad news here..." 38k
"It could be dangerous.
...And then where would I be? I would be an orphan robot or something, if anything happened to you. So please, take care of yourself." 177k
Monsters, Myths & Legends STARTUP sound: "Thank you for turning me on."
SHORT version - with witch sound effects 231k
Monsters, Myths & Legends STARTUP sound: "Thank you for turning me on. I am 2-XL, the smartest toy robot in the world."
MEDIUM version - with witch sound effects 319k
Monsters, Myths & Legends STARTUP sound: "Thank you for turning me on. I am 2-XL, the smartest toy robot in the world. This program is on Monsters, Myths and Legends."
LONG version - with opening beeps and witch sound effects 633k
Monsters, Myths & Legends DRACULA sound: "Come a little closer baby...
...hold me tight! Let me kiss your neck until I start to bite!"
Monsters, Myths & Legends DRACULA sound: "You're weird, 2-XL!" 60k
Monsters, Myths & Legends: "You think that's weird, well listen to this." 49k
Monsters, Myths & Legends: "Dracula would be happy to have you as a helper." 65k
Monsters, Myths & Legends: "WOOHOOOHOOO!!!!! ...I guess I'm not very scary." 103k
Monsters, Myths & Legends: "A skeleton once in cartoon..."
...asked a spirit up to his room. They spent the whole night, in the eeriest fight, as to which should be frightened of whom!"205k
Monsters, Myths & Legends: "And nobody... knows... why." 54k
Monsters, Myths & Legends STORM sound: "WHOOAAAHHH!! I think it's beginning to rain inside me!
There is a storm in here, woah, there is some storm in here, I hope the storm goes away. ...Oh, boy, there it goes." 237k
Monsters, Myths & Legends SHUTDOWN sound: "It's getting eerie in here! Please turn me off now."93k
Monsters, Myths & Legends SHUTDOWN sound: "It's getting eerie in here! Please turn me off now."
(with end-program noises) 182k
Monsters, Myths & Legends Computer Sound #1 97k
Monsters, Myths & Legends Computer Sound #2 189k
Monsters, Myths & Legends Computer Sound #3 167k
"Not a bad answer for a human." 50k
"Welcome back. I kind of missed you." 54k
"What do you expect? I'm ony one foot tall." 60k
"You are probably the type of person....
...who stands in front of a mirror with your eyes closed to see what you look like when you are asleep. You are WRONG!" 200k
2-XL Laugh #1 81k
2-XL Laugh #2 95k
2-XL Laugh #3 97k
2-XL Computer Sound #01 159k
2-XL Computer Sound #02 181k
2-XL Computer Sound #03 230k
2-XL Computer Sound #04 184k
2-XL Computer Sound #04a
"Powering down" version. 146k
2-XL Computer Sound #05
The "Please turn me off, do this, and then turn me back on" sound. 132k
2-XL Computer Sound #06 180k
2-XL Computer Sound #07 122k
2-XL Computer Sound #08 141k
2-XL Computer Sound #09 136k
2-XL Computer Sound #10 133k
2-XL Computer Sound #11
Monsters, Myths & Legends Computer Sound #1 97k
2-XL Computer Sound #12
Monsters, Myths & Legends Computer Sound #2 189k
2-XL Computer Sound #13
Monsters, Myths & Legends Computer Sound #3 167k
Sites that have a connection to 2-XL:
Links to Other 2-XL Related Sites
wearesmall.com is a website that features many crazy stories using customized Mego figures, which gives it a couple of 2-XL connections. The biggest one is that there is a group of Smalls called the Cult of Marty that worship 2-XL. The other is a story that follows the adventures of a spaceship called the 2XL+, which was directly named after 2-XL. This is some truly wild stuff!
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The 2-XL Construction Crew