2-XL on TV
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A Note about the video files: These video files have been made from a variety fo sources over the years, so quality and file size may vary. In most cases, right-clicking on the 2-XL Video Icon will most likely activate the appropriate video player plug-in and play it as a streaming video file, or give you the option to save it on your hard drive. You can also left-click on it and then select "Save Target As" and save it to your hard drive, and then play it yourself.
1. MEET 2-XL - I finally have a copy of the first 2-XL commercial, although it runs a little slow. 2-XL is introduced to the world!
.avi file at 6.8 MB.
2. 2-XL PROGRAMS - Features the same early-teen boy from commercial #1 and focuses on the many different 2-XL tapes Mego offered. All the tapes mentioned are from the first 1978 assortment.
.mpg file at 4.6 MB.
Real Player .rm file at 418k.
3. 2-XL REVIEWS - This one features quotes from different magazines --inlcuding Playboy, no less -- praising 2-XL mixed in with clips of 2-XL being used by the whole family.
.mpg file at 4.5 MB.
Real Player .rm file at 419k.
4. TRI-LEX - This is the commercial I remember the most but have no confirmation for. If memory serves me right, our friend from commercials 1 & 2 is back and now playing Tri-Lex with 2-XL.
No video or audio files available.
1. TOP SECRET - This one shows two kids breaking into a top secret laboratory, where they discover and start playing with the new Tiger 2-XL. An interesting note about the Tiger 2-XL commercials is the first two of them used a sped-up version of 2-XL's voice.
.mpg file at 4.4 MB.
Real Player .rm file at 404k.
AUDIO ONLY .wav file 31 seconds, 674k
2. CLASS ROOM - A bunch of students lock their teacher out of the classroom so they can learn from 2-XL instead.
.mpg file at 4.5 MB.
Real Player .rm file at 413k.
3. GENIUS BROTHER - A boy shows off his brother's knowledge to his friends by having him leap around his bedroom answering 2-XL's questions with his lightning-fast pointer-finger.
Video file to be added in the future, but not yet in progress.
AUDIO ONLY .wav file, 30 seconds, 665k
4. BATMAN ADVENTURE TAPES - Combining footage from the Batman Animated Series, this one was promoting the new line of adventure 2-XL tapes.
Video file to be added in the future, but not yet in progress.
AUDIO ONLY .wav file,
30 seconds, 655k
1. INTRODUCING KASEY - This appears to be the first Kasey commercial, and it seems to be showing up everywhere! A little boy amazes his parents with how much he's learned.
Video file to be added in the future, but not yet in progress.
AUDIO ONLY .wav file,
31 seconds, 673k.
This is by no means a complete list, just the ones I've been able to confirm! If anyone knows of any other 2-XL commercials or would like to submit them to be posted this page, feel free to e-mail me!
Pick Your Brain
The most famous 2-XL TV appearance was of course his own TV show, Pick Your Brain. This was a game show hosted by Mark Summers (who had previously hosted a lot of kids game shows on Nickelodeon), and featured a giant 10-foot tall Tiger 2-XL that gave out the topics for the questions, and broke in with the occasional joke. The producers had originally wanted Dr. Freeman to come out to Los Angeles to do the voice, but ended up hiring voice actor Greg Berg to do 2-XL's voice instead.
Pick Your Brain was a syndicated show (meaning it wasn't a part of any network, and independant stations in each city could pay to pick it up and run it whenever they wanted). It ran once a week for one season, from 1992 - 1993.
Pick Your Brain episode guides are pretty hard to come by, and I definitely don't have all the episodes. I have 19 episodes, and generally syndicated shows are done in multiples of 13. I have confirmed of at least 1 episode I don't have, so odds are there are 6 more episodes that are not on this list. For lack of any episode titles, I'm using the names of the contestants.
While there's no way I can do video files of all of these episodes, I do hope to include some clips of the opening titles and 2-XL sequences some time in the future. In the meantime, here are some audio clip wav files listed below, so you can at least hear Greg Berg's take on 2-XL's voice. You can also find more information, including screen captures and a breakdown of an average episode, at Jay's Game Show Page.
Pick Your Brain Intro
The opening of the show actually changed with each episode. Each one started with 2-XL announcing the show then showing different clips of different contestants. From there 2-XL introduced that episode's contestants, made a different joke about himself as he introduced himself, and then said the title of the show, which led to the logo on the show. Then he introduced Mark Summers. This file's an edited-down version to highlight 2-XL's part in the opening.
51 seconds, 1112k.
2-XL and Mark Summers
Here's a clip of Mark Summers interacting with 2-XL, as 2-XL corrects a contestant. Notice how nice 2-XL is about it. Where's the scathing remarks? Where's the "When they were going door to door distributing brains, you must have been in the back yard!" jokes? Welcome to the kinder, gentler 2-XL.
20 seconds, 451k.
Pick Your Brain Closing Joke
At the end of each episode 2-XL would be sure to get in a joke. No Dr. Freeman laugh sound effect in this episode, though!
27 seconds, 590k.
Pick Your Brain Theme Song
The theme song is played very briefly in the beginning of the show (mostly just when the logo comes up). You got to hear the full theme song during the end credits (which of course means that these days you'd never hear it!).
36 seconds, 863k.
I've also been able to find this screen capture of 2-XL with Michael Jordan. =)
Other Appearances