Better Than Radio Reviews

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Feel Good

Release Date: 1995
BTR Date: 2002

Artist website: unknown
Song samples & purchase at CDNow

Reason Purchased: Heard a brief clip on the radio once, and decided to take a chance.

Opinions: Okay, this was just fun. That kind of "sneak out in the middle of the night to a convenience store and buy $20 worth of junk food and then just sit home and eat it all" guilty pleasure fun. I guess the guilty part is because half her songs are all covers, but on the flip side I have more respect for someone who flat-out calls herself a cover artist. And talk about a guilty pleasure-- my favorite track is her cover of "Could It Be Magic." Yes, the Barry Mannilow song. It WORKS, it just really really works. Bottom line is all the songs have a good sense of layering and harmonies without ever getting too repetitious, and Abigail has a good singing voice. Although I have a really hard time with "Smells Like Teen Spirit;" I just can't stop the words from "Smells Like Nirvana" from coming out of my mouth, but that's more the fault of that other artist who's albums are all half covers and half original songs. ^_^

BTR Singles added to playlist: "Could It Be Magic," "Smells Like Teen Spirit (Original Version)"

There is no such thing as good or bad music, only music you do or don't like.

2001: New Albums * 2002: New Albums * 2002: New Rotation Additions

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