Fer's Forum
October 21, 2006
Okay, I admit it. I've been bitten by the myspace bug. That's why I never update Platypus Power anymore, I've only been updating my myspace blog since like March or something.
So if anyone's still left out there, here's the link:
If you're just interested in reading my blog and want to skip my front page, you can just go to
You don't have to be a member to read it, but you do have to be a member to post on it.
I know the word "blog" can evoke all kinds of scary imagery these days, but I try to save it for when I have something to say, not just "Oh, I did my laundry today!"
I've still got more I want to do here, but I'm trying to spend less time on the internet and more time doing things with my loved ones... it's amazing how much time you lose to the internet each day and don't even realize it. So updating myspace has just been quicker and easier.
Cool Tunes Fer's Currently Playing:
(This section's for you, Frank!)
AudioBody - Sound.Motion.Theater.
Human League - Secrets
Information Society - Synthesizer (well, kind of. A lot of previews and the occasional rare download through myspace music.)
Moby - Hotel
Pet Shop Boys - Fundamental
The Pinker Tones - The Million Color Revolution
Pizza Lovers Supreme
Weird Al Yankovic - Straight Outta Lynwood
Random Cryptic Function is a site made by my sister Amy Lapisardi, which contains her writings, artwork and whatever else she feels like talking about... which if you know my sister, is always something interesting!
My sister Emily Lapisardi does some truly amazing historical impressions, and has a website for it where you can get a sampling of her work.
The older I've gotten the more I appreciate comic books... probably because I've found some great titles that have grown up with me. Here's some links to my all-time favorites:
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Platypus Power
Brought to you by Christopher (Fer) Goodnough, FerGonzo27@aol.com
Fer's Free Advice: Never thow a tub of butter at your computer, no matter how much it may seem like a good idea at the time.
Stop. Think. Put down the tub of butter.